舞 X 武劇場《凝》
Chinese Dance X Martial Arts — “Convergence”
Infinity of Movement and Stillness
Convergence, is a culminating work created through an interdisciplinary research study on both Chinese dance and Chinese martial arts traditions.
In Hong Kong Dance Company's three-year-long study, its artists have explored the essence of both traditional practices, extracting new perspectives on movement and the fluidity of expression between ideology and physical gesture. Convergence brings these discoveries together, capturing the transient between stillness and motion, tranquillity and exuberance; all that one may find through the synergy of dance and martial arts.
演出詳情 Programme Details
網上首演 Online Premiere 18.10.2020 (日 SUN)
限時播放日期 On-demand viewing 19 - 24.10.2020 ( 一 Mon - 六Sat)
票價 Ticket Price HK$80
節目及票務查詢 Programme & Ticketing Enquiries: 3103 1819
項目策劃及研究 Project Planning & Research
項目總監 Project Director
崔德煒 Tsui Tak-wai
項目經理 Project Manager
葉翠雅 Carolyn Yip
創作團隊 Artistic Team
概念/編舞/舞者 Concept/Choreographer/Dancer
楊雲濤 Yang Yuntao
作曲/音樂總監/音響設計 Composer/Music Director/Sound Designer
葉破 Paul Yip
佈景及燈光設計 Set & Lighting Designer
李智偉 Lee Chi-wai
數碼影像設計 Digital Image Designer
成博民 Oliver Shing
舞者/聯合編舞 Dancers/Co-choreographers
黃 磊 Huang Lei
何皓斐 Ho Ho-fei
廖慧儀 Liu Wai-yee
侯叙臣 Hou Xuchen
王志昇 Ong Tze-shen
潘正桓 Pan Zhenghuan
周若芸 Chou Jo-yun
吳嘉玲 Ng Ka Ling
Programme duration is approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes without intermission
Suitable for ages 6 or above
Hong Kong Dance Company reserves the rights to change programme details and substitute artists
合辦 Co-presented by
武術指導及伙伴 Martial Arts Adviser and Partner

宣傳伙伴 Promotion Partner